what spiritual reading is
Spiritual Reading is reading for the purpose of advancing in divine love. It is reading that aids us in holiness. It is not for the purpose of gaining knowledge or indulging curiosity. It is done slowly and deliberately so that one can absorb, even meditate on and pray about, what is being read.
“There is no more difference between the Gospel written and the life of a saint than between music written and music sung.”
Spiritual Reading, especially early in the spiritual life, often serves as material for mental prayer. As we perform spiritual reading our intellect may be enlightened to a particular virtue we are lacking. That virtue may then be an excellent subject for our mental prayer.
what to read
For beneficial spiritual reading the Gospels have pride of place. What better source than the words of Christ Himself? Following that what could be more nourishing than the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles.Then one may turn to the Psalms and the Prophets in the Old Testament.
After scripture one would be wise to turn to the works of the Saints. Although not written under infallible inspiration they are nonetheless inspired works. This then brings the devout to the lives of the Saints themselves. Not looking for works that extoll their miraculous doings but works that tell about their daily devotions and interior life.
go deeper
These audio files are PenanceWare which requires one of the following: (1) $1 donation to Fr. Ripperger, (2) say a decade of Rosary (3) perform a penance for the intentions of Fr. Ripperger. Be sure to visit Sensus Traditionis for more great talks.
Read On Spiritual Reading - St. Alphonsus
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